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Wenzhou opens the closed places batch by batch
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2022-04-28 | 988 Views: | Share:

As from today, Wenzhou opens the closed places batch by batch in an orderly manner! Consumers are required to provide negative nucleic acid results within 48 hours when entering the closed places. It is understood that the closed places include gyms, badminton halls, theaters, KTVs, Internet cafes, beauty salons, foot bath shops, massage shops, and moxibustion shops in Wenzhou. 

The prerequisite for opening is that the "Wenzhou Pandemic Prevention Code" (including the COVID-19 vaccination record) of all staff (including logistics, security, etc.) should be verified. The COVID-19 negative nucleic acid results within 48 hours, the "Pandemic Prevention and Control Commitment Letter for Business Sites",and Personal Health Commitment should be provided. 

At present, the domestic pandemic situation is still severe and complicated, and the pandemic situation within Zhejiang province is showing a trend of frequent occurrence. Therefore, after the closed places are opened, various prevention and control measures must be strictly implemented.The prevention and control measures are as follows: 

Create files for employees. Assign a staffer to monitor the health status of employees every day, and report to the local area immediately if abnormal health conditions are found. 

Entrance management must be strictly implemented, and the "Place Code" must be placed at the entrance. Pandemic prevention and control measures such as "Taking temperature + Showing the 'Wenzhou Pandemic Prevention Code' + Scanning the 'Place Code' + Wearing a mask" must be implemented on all staff and consumers. 

In addition, according to the requirements of prevention and control, the closed place should strictly control the flowrate of visitors entering the place. Prevention and control measures such as "reservation, limitation, and peak-load- shifting" should be taken to reduce the gathering of people and ensure that the maximum instantaneous flow of visitors does not exceed 50% of the carrying capacity.