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Official response to 2022 immigration policy
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2022-01-30 | 1120 Views: | Share:
Official response to 2022 immigration policy

On Jan. 27th, the National Immigration Administration (NIA) held a press conference to report the results of immigration management in 2021.


Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the National Immigration Administration (NIA) has made unified arrangements in accordance with the joint prevention and control mechanism of The State Council to protect the health and safety of Chinese and foreign people. In line with the needs of pandemic prevention and control and the common practice of other countries, China has implemented strict entry policies for foreigners, and urged Chinese citizens not to leave China unless it is urgent or necessary. In addition, the NIA has made scientific and dynamic adjustments based on the changing of the pandemic situation to prevent the spread through exit and entry channels.


In response to the question of whether China's entry and exit policy will be adjusted and relaxed in 2022, Chen Jie, spokesman of the National Immigration Administration and director of the Department of Policies and Regulations, said that NIA requires immigration authorities at all levels to make a case-by-case analysis of specific issues and avoid making rigidly uniform in the implementation process. At present, immigration authorities will issue exit and entry certificates to those who need to go abroad for study, employment or business, those who need to come to China for economic, trade, scientific and technological activities, and those who need to come to China for urgent humanitarian reasons after verification.


Moreover, the immigration authorities at all levels will also prioritize the application examination and approval as well as offer urgent registration services for people who need to exit or enter China to participate in pandemic control and work resumption. At the same time, China will continue to provide convenience for foreigners in China on the applications for visas and residences in accordance with the law, and take concrete actions to support global pandemic prevention and control.